Aging and Disability Resource Center Agenda
County Board Room 304 2nd Street, Shell Lake, WI, United StatesAging and Disability Resource Center Agenda
Aging and Disability Resource Center Agenda
Clean Boats Clean Waters Workshop PDF Free training to citizens and lake groups to be watercraft inspectors by educating boaters and anglers on how to prevent the spread of aquatic […]
Washburn County Government Offices are closed in observance of a County Holiday.
AIS Monitoring Workshop Information PDF FREE training- AIS Monitoring involves searching the lake for aquatic invasive species like Eurasian watermilfoil, zebra mussels, rusty crayfish, and others. The frequency that volunteers […]
Washburn County Government Offices are closed in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Washburn County Government Offices are closed in observance of the Independence Day Holiday.