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Corporation Counsel

The Corporation Counsel Office prosecutes and defends all civil actions, proceedings, applications and motions in any court or tribunal in which the county or its agencies are involved.

In addition, the Corporation Counsel Office gives advice to the Board of Supervisors, county department heads and other units of Washburn County, when requested, in all civil matters in which the county is interested; while performing all duties in connection with civil matters relating to county and/or its agencies, and to work in conjunction with outside agencies and insurance companies to provide the best representation for Washburn County.

Washburn County Corporation Counsel also represents the Washburn County Child Support Agency in all enforcement proceedings, and the Washburn County Department of Health and Human Services in juvenile proceedings.

County Ordinances

Below, you will find a link to our external app through Municode which houses our full County Ordinances in Adobe’s PDF format due to the limitations of HTML to display the ordinances correctly.

To obtain copies of the ordinances contact the County Clerk’s Office which is located on the first floor of the Courthouse building at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871.