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Human Services

The Washburn County Human Services Department offers a range of support programs focused on child and family welfare, juvenile justice, foster care, and services for children with long-term care needs. The department works to promote safety, stability, and well-being within the community, addressing both immediate concerns and long-term support needs. Its services aim to strengthen families, ensure child protection, and provide resources for those facing challenges related to care and development.

Mental Health & Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Unit

Staff is available to provide information and make referrals on a variety of mental health or alcohol and other drug abuse issues. Washburn County also contracts with a variety of mental health and alcohol and other drug abuse providers to provide service to individuals and families.

View All Services
Alcoholics Anonymous

Healthy WashCo – Prevention Unit

The Healthy WashCo initiative focuses on improving community health in Washburn County through collaboration and resources. It provides information and programs aimed at addressing local health priorities, including wellness education, access to services, and public health advocacy. Learn more about their efforts and resources at Healthy WashCo.


Family Services

Family services supports children and families by identifying, preventing and resolving conditions which may contribute to maltreatment, delinquency, or uncontrollability. Services aim to improve parental capacities and family functioning to ensure children are safe and successful.

Staff will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the family to determine the most appropriate services.



Additional Services

Youth Justice

Youth justice provides services to address youth behavior and equip youth with competencies to live responsibly and productively while protecting the public.

Delinquency referrals are received from law enforcement agencies on youth aged 10-17 who have violated state or federal criminal codes.

JIPS referrals (Juveniles in Need of Protection and/or Services) involve youth under age 18 who are truant from home or school, uncontrollable at home or under the age of 10 and have committed a delinquent act.

Family services staff will conduct an intake inquiry to learn about the family and make recommendations about the referral to the District Attorney. Youth may be placed under supervision with specific conditions. Appropriate services are identified through assessment and development of a case plan.

Adult Protective Services

Health and Human Services Department has been designated as the Lead Adult Protection Services agency. Primary responsibilities include the investigation and subsequent assessment of concerns related to the abuse of vulnerable adults and elders.

Child Protective Services

When child protective services receive a report of physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or emotional damage, a decision is made whether the case should be assessed further. If the case is accepted for assessment, staff will meet with the child and family to determine if further intervention is required to keep children safe.

Assessment sometimes results in referrals to juvenile court, where staff will make recommendations to the court to promote child safety and provide supportive services to the family.

To make a report of child abuse or neglect, contact Health and Human Services at 715-468-4747, Monday through Friday 8:00a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and ask for the access worker. After hours, on weekends and holidays, reports should be made to the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department at 715-468-4700.

Child Welfare Services

Sometimes the Department receives referrals on situations that do not meet criteria for involvement from child protective services or youth justice. These cases may be provided voluntary services by the Department or other resources in the community.

Children’s Long Term Care

Services for children with severe disabilities include: Birth to Three; Family Support; Children’s Waivers and Coordinated Service Teams.

Children with disabilities that occur during their developmental period frequently have severe impairments that are likely to continue indefinitely; and often require lifelong services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance. Community based waiver programs help families support and maintain children with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, severe emotional disturbances or autism in their own homes. Services are individually designed to help support the child and family and to promote health, safety, participation and independence in the home and community. Children need the opportunity to live, learn, and participate in all aspects of community life.

Foster Care

Foster care is 24-hour care provided by licensed individuals to children who cannot live at home because they are unsafe or have special care or treatment needs.

Generally, placement in foster care is temporary and intended to give families time to make necessary changes. The majority of children in foster care return home to their families.

The Department is responsible for recruiting and licensing foster families. Those wishing to open their homes to foster children aged 0-18 may contact the Department at 715-468-4747 and ask for the foster care coordinator.

You may also fill out the application and submit to the Department.

Kinship Care

Kinship care is a program to help financially support a child who resides outside of their home with a relative or like-kin resource.

Drop Box Information

Drop box is located at Washburn County Services Center, 304 2nd St. Shell Lake (West entrance/parking lot)

If dropping off a payment, please secure check/money order in envelope with your name, address and PIN/SSN so payment is applied correctly


Drop box is secure and checked on a daily basis.