Contact Information
Email Address
Office Location
1760 Roundhouse Road (Office)
1700 Roundhouse Road (Shop)
Spooner, WI 54801
Phone Number
Fax Number
(715) 388-7947
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Forest Administrator:
Mike Peterson
Assistant Forest Administrator:
Duran Bjorklund
Derrick (Matt) Graham
Recreation Coordinator:
Brandon Shutt
Recreation Officer:
Drew Knoop
Forestry Technicians:
Jeremy Erickson
Alex Maas
Natural Resources Technician:
Sam Clair
Administrative Assistant:
Shauna Lindstrom
WDNR Liaison Forester:
Adam Nelson
Home > Departments > Forestry > Washburn County Road and Access Information
Washburn County Road and Access Information
ATV use on the Washburn County Forest
The County Forest does allow limited motorized vehicle access on roads and trails within the forest. The Washburn County Forest is split into 15 integrated resource management units, each unit designated as open to motorized travel; open to motorized travel on designated roads and trails; or closed to all motorized travel.
The County has 49,000 acres of forest open to motorized travel on all established roads and trails; 78,000 acres of forest with roads open to motorized travel on a two mile density, and 21,000 acres closed to all motorized travel.
Two wheel motorized travel is prohibited on all areas of the County Forest. Off trail travel is prohibited, and all motor vehicle travel is prohibited from April 1 through the first Friday of Memorial weekend of each year to protect the forest during periods of high fire danger. Please contact the County Forestry office for maps and additional information on the Road and Access Plan. Please note that this closure may be extended to protect trails and other resources.
Please note that this plan is enforced strictly. This plan is a compromise between user groups requesting the closure of the forest to all motor vehicles and those user groups requesting that the forest be open to motorized travel. Please respect our ordinances and your County Forest.
Click here for the RAP Overview.pdf
(Note: The map will open in a new browser window.)
Click on any individual unit link below. Please be patient, images are large.
(Note: The maps will open in a new browser window.)