Contact Information
Email Address
Office Location
P.O. Box 506
10 4th Avenue
Shell Lake, WI 54871
Zoning Dept. located in the Lower Level of the Courthouse.
Phone Number
Fax Number
(715) 468-4640
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Zoning Administrator:
Dale “Butch” Beers
[email protected]
Zoning Technician:
John Spafford
[email protected]
Land Use Specialist:
Hunter Denison
[email protected]
Zoning Administrative Assistant:
Trisha Saletri
[email protected]
Home > Departments > Zoning > Soil And Site Evaluation Report
Soil And Site Evaluation Report
(Formerly Percolation Test)
All areas in Washburn County not served by municipal sewer are under the jurisdiction of the Wisconsin Private Sewage System Code, SPS 383. A soil evaluation is a prerequisite to obtain a Sanitary permit for the installation of a private sewage system.
The Washburn County Zoning Department recommends that a soil evaluation be completed on all parcels before the property is purchased for building purposes. If the site does not have suitable soils, it may not be suitable for an on site waste disposal system.
What Is A Soil Evaluation?
A soil evaluation is a method used to determine if the site and soil conditions can absorb waste water from a private sewage (septic) system. Waste water is all water that carries waste derived from ordinary living such as toilets, sinks, dishwashers, laundry, etc.
Private sewage system waste water cannot be disposed of into soils which have bedrock or ground water near the surface. These types of soil conditions could cause your well, or your neighbors well to become contaminated. There must be sufficient suitable soil below the system so that the waste water can be properly treated. Disposal of waste water into poorly drained soil may also lead to system failure. These conditions are potential health hazards.
Who Can Perform A Soil Evaluation?
Wisconsin law requires that soil evaluations are performed by a licensed Certified Soil Tester. The soil tester performs the required tests and provides the property owner and the Zoning department with a copy of the results. The soil tester will inform the owner if the tests are suitable or unsuitable. Questions regarding unsuitable tests should be directed to the Zoning Department.
CAUTION: The area for a private waste disposal system will be designated by the soil tester, and this area must be set aside and used for the effluent treatment. No structures should be placed within this area or located within 25 feet of the designated area. Therefore, it is important that you inform the soil tester where you desire to place your structure.