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Floodplain Consultants

Name Contact Phone
Ayres Associates,
Eau Claire
Lori Rosemore, P.G.
Lisa Fleming, P.E.
Barr Engineering, Minneapolis Nancy Johnson Dent, P.E. 952-832-2600
Cedar Cooperation, Menomonie Greg Wolfe, P.E. 715-235-9081
Copper Engineering,
Rice Lake
JEO Consulting Group Dan Carthel, P.E. 715-635-6900
Morgan and Parmely, LTD, Ladysmith, Wisconsin Larry Gotham, P.E. 715-532-3721
MSA Engineering 715-234-1009
Northern Wisconsin Based Engineers, Inc, Hayward Heather J. Harrington, P.E. 715-634-4334
Northern Environmental Randu Lund, P.E. 715-682-1116
Ripley Engineering Services, Inc. 715-635-2245
Elliot Bernard Lenz, P.E. 715-236-4028
True North Engineering Gary T. Colbert, P.E. 715-378-4493