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Highway Department Permits

Procedure for Applying for a Driveway Permit

This only allows you to cross the County Right-of-Way. You need a permit from the Zoning Department to construct the driveway to specifications beyond the highway right-of-way.

  1. Obtain and complete a Driveway Permit Application form, providing all requested information including phone number. Forms are available from the office or from the link below.Drainage structure (i.e. culvert pipe) size will be determined by Washburn county Highway Department Personnel.
  2. Attach page from Plat Book with location of property highlighted.
  3. Place a stake marked “Driveway” at the requested location.

Highway Department Personnel will review the information and conduct a site visit. You will be notified with the results.

Download driveway permit here

Download driveway permit policy & instructions here

Oversize or Overweight Single Trip Permits

Please provide all of the following when applying. Your permit will not be considered until all permit requirements have been received by the Highway Department. Please allow ample time when turning in your request, don’t turn it in one day and expect it to be ready the same day or the following day. Allow 3-4 working days for your permit to be ready.

Oversize or Overweight Single Trip Permit Form

  1. Application must be made on Washburn County Single Trip Application/Permit form, which is available at the Washburn County Highway Department Office. Fax application will be accepted, but permits will be issued only through the mail or in person.
  2. A map showing the route must be included with the permit application.
  3. All other units of governments (Township, Municipalities, State) with roads on which the load will travel must be contacted for permits. A copy of these permits must be submitted with the application. If the permit was granted orally, provide name and phone number of person contacted, as well as what unit of government they represent.
  4. All utilities that have overhead facilities along the proposed route must be contacted. Provide the utility name, contact person, phone number and date of contact. This requirement in no way relieves you of the statutory requirements per Sec. 254.15(2).
  5. All provisions of Wisconsin Administrative Code Trans 254 and Trans 252 will apply. These codes are attached to this policy. In addition, all loads 16′ wide or wider will be required to have a traffic officer escort, serving as one of the two required escorts.
  6. A certificate of insurance showing Washburn County as an additional insured must be on file at the Washburn County Highway Department office.
  7. Permittee must notify the Washburn County Highway Department with date and approximate time the move will take place.

Procedure for Applying for a Utility Permit

This permit only allows you to install utilities on County Right-of-Way.

  1. Obtain and complete the Washburn County Utility Permit form.  Follow all requirements for the WCHA Utility Policy and Washburn County Appendices.  Forms are available from the office or from the link below.
  2. Highway Department Personnel will review the application, comment if any changes are needed, and return the approved permit once the required fee is paid via check.
  3. Once utility installation is complete, submit a completion form which can be found in Section 96.98 of the Washburn County Appendices.
  4. If you or your company need an invoice for payment processing, please print page 2 of the application and mail to:  Washburn County Highway Department, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner WI 54801

Download the Washburn County Utility Permit Here

Download the Washburn County Appendices Here

Download the WCHA Utility Accommodation Policy Here

Other Permits