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Public Health offers childhood immunizations at no cost through the Vaccine for Children Program.  Immunization has been called the most important public health intervention in history, after safe drinking water. It has saved millions of lives over the years and prevented hundreds of millions of cases of diseases.

  • Immunizations are offered at NO COST at the Washburn County Public Health Department.  If immunizations are covered by an insurance policy, you may obtain your vaccinations at your medical clinic.
  • A parent/legal guardian must accompany any minor child to sign the consent.
  • A current immunization record is required to receive immunizations. Washburn County Health Department can access electronic records is on the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR).
  • There is a suggested donation of $5 per shot.

Immunizations are available Monday through Friday by appointment: 8-12, 1-4

Types of Services
  • Infant and childhood vaccinations against 14 diseases
  • Adult vaccinations are limited, does include the HPV series