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Communicable Disease & Prevention

Our goal is to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases through:

  • Early identification of cases to prevent further spread of a communicable disease
  • Testing and referral services for diseases that can be spread through food, water, and from person to person
  • Follow up with individuals diagnosed with a communicable disease to provide information, education, and referral
  • Providing immunization for vaccine-preventable diseases, including HPV.


Washburn County Public Health Nurses are available to:

  • Explain what the disease is, how it may spread, what tests are performed to diagnose a disease, what treatments are currently used, and how to stop the spread of the disease
  • Follow up (in confidence) with persons who may have been exposed to certain diseases
  • Report certain diseases to the State (required by law)

Communicable diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protozoa passed from one person to another. It is important to recognize when someone in a group setting is sick with a communicable disease so steps can be taken to obtain medical care and prevent the spread of disease to others. Click here to read more about specific communicable diseases.