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Fax Number
(715) 468-4753
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Health & Human Services Director
Marie Schrankel
Home > Departments > Health & Human Services > CLTS/Birth to 3
CLTS/Birth to 3
Services for children with severe disabilities include: Birth to Three; Family Support; Children’s Waivers and Coordinated Service Teams.
Children with disabilities that occur during their developmental period frequently have severe impairments that are likely to continue indefinitely; and often require lifelong services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance. Community based waiver programs help families support and maintain children with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, severe emotional disturbances or autism in their own homes. Services are individually designed to help support the child and family and to promote health, safety, participation and independence in the home and community. Children need the opportunity to live, learn, and participate in all aspects of community life.